Notes from the Universe

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"Where there is love there is life."

The only strength you need is the strength you have within.

Weakness is not flawed by emotions, but it is fueled by vulnerability.  To open your heart and reach out for strength is powerful.  People are fueled by life's purpose when most of us do not even know how to create our own life.  What if I told you hitting rock bottom is just the Universe telling you to look up?

Stop looking down and open your eyes to what is surrounding you.

Over the past 2 months I have faced a personal journey and a test of the heart.  To experience loss, disappointment, betrayal, fear, love, opportunity, change, gratitude and mindfullness.. The list goes on and on.  I did not know how I would survive this storm that passed through my life....but what is beautiful is that I have.  True strength comes from letting down the walls and allowing the love surrounding you to be your savior.  My family and friends have provided me with with love and insight that has helped "my so called life" become brighter and new.  I found a piece of me  that was missing for years, it stood beside my life and i thought this life I had was, "just how it was supposed to be."  Clarity is no joke and shit.... it is enlightening and critically important to any healing process. 

I have not chosen a life of suffering and pain but I chose once again to live my life through love. 

Where do I begin?

April 20, 2014 my life changed and the Universe knocked me flat on my back.    Yes, if you are good with holidays, it was Easter Sunday and that day I began to live.  The pain that flooded through me was not of suffering, but of disappointment in myself for allowing my heart to lead without any set boundary.  I had built up an immunity to accept the things that I should not, and live a life that was not condusive to what I fully was capable of achieving.  However, I am not going to share what was lost on this day because we only lose things that we truely had complete control over --which is not much at times.  So I would like to talk about what I have gained. 

It is simple...I gained the best gift I could ever give to anyone and that is "ME." 

What is ME?  Let me fill you in on a little tip.  Finding yourself is the best gift that God can grant us on this earth because.... guess what?  We only live once!  You lose yourself in moments, life and love, but we often forget to really dig down deep and fulfill the only thing necessary which is ME.  It is not defined as selfish to love yourself first, but we usually end up putting ourself last in this catagory.  More often than not we completely forget that we have a place in this race.  Well that is exactly what happened. 

It all came tumbling down to build a stronger foundation of what is necessary and allowed in my space I call life. 

The hard knocks of what we experience build a thicker layer of awareness and self-love.  A friend once told me that when tragedy or any pain is fresh; its like a cut, it may leave a mark but through that time of healing, it will continue to reopen and heal over and over again until it is ready to build a scar.  --Yes I know, this is  some deep shit. :)

Opening my heart and my mind has humbled my approach and outlook on how I should live. 

First, I had to realize that we often treat others not as we wish to see in return but out of what "feels good" in the moment. 

What for?

For the thrill of the chase, a moment of opportunity, a selfish motive or just for one single decision that may change you forever.  No matter what "I" decide is right or wrong, it does not mean I should hold everyone else accountable to the same standard.  The difference between you and I is that we have the right to choose our own path and action.  This is a hard one...  We as individual minds choose every single day to live life exactly as we see fit.  But let me share an interesting discovery..... When I made the decision to leave my heart open and to not shield myself because of how it hurt, I was able to heal and build a strength that allowed me to love myself first.  This strength has been a guide, allowing me to open up the tunnel that I have been traveling and walk through the door that leads to the field of endless opportunity.

I CANNOT CONTROL ANYONE BUT ME-- this is hard.  I am controlling... yes surprise, I like to have what I want.  I can safely say that this is the case for most, but please correct me if I am wrong in this matter. 

God placed us on earth not to be alone but to love.  We travel through our life paving memories and a legacy we will once leave behind.  How are you leading your life?  We live in a world that promotes love, a love that is taken very lightly and treated as a replaceable commodity.  Hmmm.. Things that make you wonder? 

Here is what may be twisted around about this so called LOVE.

The love you give will be that of what you receive.  Love a little more and live a life flooded by the hearts of others.  Interesting concept I think Gandhi said it best...“Where there is love there is life.”  People do not live, they just hope and pray that things will work. 
Why not live a little and love a little more and then define that as life? 
So... it is safe to say that life's so called tragedies can be turned into a life opportunity that just makes you humbled and gracious for the experience. Even though my Easter may never be the same, it will be a reminder of ME and that is the best gift. 

