Notes from the Universe

Friday, November 2, 2012

Being a Woman... I'm only human!

Sometimes you just want to kick something..... I know I do, and today is one of those days.

Lets start with the petty shit....

**Please keep in mind that this may offend some people and it is only meant to be real.**
Why did no one like what I posted?
Why does she always "like" my girlfriends posts....?
Who the hell says that!?
Oh she gained a little...........
Look at her hair!!!!!!!
Hmmmmmm...I wonder about those two, are they dating now???
How come my girlfriend didn't "like" mine and did hers???
OMG, they posted ANOTHER picture of themself! Beh!
Running late again, but for some reason its bugging me today out of every other day I'm late.
Why do I have to sit next to her? She talks too loud!
Gosh! His laugh makes me want to kick babies!
Another dumb email..
Who shit in here! I know its a bathroom but go downstairs.
I was hoping our managers would bring breakfast today so I didn't eat. (Never happened.)
Is is time to go yet? (Clock says 10:23am)
Why did I have to buy this POS with a tape player!
Morning Zoo not so funny today.
I should be driving that car cause that lady doesn't look good driving it.
What would happen if I just ran off the road?
WTF are you looking at...!

I think you get the gist of it.

I came to a realization petty is silly but there is a method to my madness. Its called PMS!

The only time I tend to care about the smallest matters of my day and other's days is when the retched

Aunty Flow is knocking on my door. What do you do? Not a damn thing. I can kick, scream, point fingers, cuss, and especially pout which probably happens without me really knowing.

But guess what??

I'm only human.