Notes from the Universe

Friday, January 4, 2013

Defining the Challenge

I do not believe in resolutions, I like to look at every day as a new opportunity for change and to continually improve on all levels. I have focused on mental clarity, breaking down myself from every angel with therapy, journal entries, growing, falling, etc. I think you get the idea. Now its time to change my physiology and create "habits" that will change my life forever.

In short- I have made a list of 7 habits that can change my life and here are the steps to be taken in this challenge.

  • Do a 30-day challenge, focusing on just ONE habit.
  • Write it out on paper, along with your motivations, obstacles, and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Commit fully, in a public way.
  • Log your progress.
  • Remain publicly accountable — report on your progress each day.
  • Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online.
  • Reward every little success.
  • If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.

  • Here we go......

    My 7 habits:

    1. Develop positive thinking
    2. Daily routine
    3. Follow through
    4. Standards
    5. Self-worth
    6. Kindness
    7. Exercise
    We are going to start with #1.

    Develop positive thinking:

    With positive thinking I allow myself to focus and better control myself emotionally, physically and mentally. My mind will be stronger and grow towards a unrelenting positive attitude. I will become a better partner, with emotional and mental strength that allows me to notice the negative and only allow positive influences in my life. Positive thinking will allow me to “squash” my demons of the past and present creating a stronger foundation for me to continue to grow and learn.

    1. Become mentally stronger.
    2. Change my physiology of thinking.
    3. Look towards the best in situations.
    4. Create greater outcomes.
    5. Happiness.
    6. Better relationships.

    1. Outside negative influences.
    2. Negative thoughts and feelings.
    3. Allowing the negative to control my feelings.
    4. Wallowing.
    5. Knowing when to let go of the negative.
    6. Strength to consistently stay positive.

    1. “Squash” negative thoughts.
    2. Turn negatives into positives.
    3. Write down what triggers my negative thoughts and be more aware.
    4. See the positive in situations.
    5. Gratitude journal.
    6. Control my emotions.
    “The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.” Dalai Lama

    **I am going to use this blogging community as a log, accountability and an open ear to feedback. Please feel free to join me and take this 30 day journey towards a new perspective.